The Jewish cemetery in Wislica
The Jewish cemetery in Wiślica
The Jewish cemetery in Wiślica is located on a small, wooded hill, at Golden Street. Such a location - in a relatively short distance from the market and the synagogue - was characteristic of cemeteries established before the nineteenth century. According to Adam Penkalla in his book "Jewish traces in the province of Kielce and Radom" , the cemetery was founded probably in the second half of the seventeenth century. It is known that the cemetery was close to a funeral home and gravedigger’s house. In 1928, the cemetery area became full and the Jewish community closed it in its efforts to organize a new burial place. As a result of the damage from the occupation and the period after the liberation, today an area of approximately 1 hectare preserved one standing tombstone and a few remnants of tombstones without inscriptions and ornamentation. In the eighties, a road was built across the area of the cemetery.
In August and September 2016 the cemetery was cleaned and fenced. The work was funded by private donors (family Shpilsky, family Topel, family Landa) and the Nissenbaum Family Foundation which fenced the cemetery. A stone was erected as commemoration of the Wislica Jews. There are 3 inscriptions on the stone: in English, Polish and Hebrew:
Pain that is not transformed will be transferred to next generations
Memory has a healing power
In memory of the Jewish community of Wiślica 1514-1942
Jewish Cemetery
Established in the second half of the 17th century
Here rest Jews from Wiślica and the surrounding region
May their souls be bound up in the bond of everlasting life
The cemetery was renovated and fenced
thanks to the financial support of
the Shpilsky family, the Topel family, the Landa family
and the Nissenbaum Family Foundation
Niezaleczony ból przejdzie na następne pokolenia
Pamięć ma moc uzdrawiającą
Pamięci społeczności żydowskiej w Wiślicy, 1514-1942
Cmentarz żydowski
Założony w drugiej połowie XVII wieku
Tu spoczywają Żydzi z Wiślicy i okolic
Niech ich dusze mają udział w życiu wiecznym
Cmentarz został odrestaurowany i ogrodzony
dzięki finansowemu wsparciu
rodziny Shpilsky, rodziny Topel, rodziny Landa
i Fundacji Rodziny Nissenbaumów
כאב שאינו משתנה יישנה גם בדורות הבאים
לזיכרון יש כוח מרפא
לזכר קהילת ווישליצה 1942-1514
בית הקברות היהודי
הוקם במחצית השנייה של המאה ה-17
פ.נ. יהודים מווישליצה וסביבתה
בית הקברות שוקם וגודר הודות לתמיכה הכספית של
משפחת שפילסקי, משפחת טופל, משפחת לנדה
קרן משפחת ניסנבאום
Map of Wislica before 1939
The initiators of the fencing of the cemetery
in Wislica: Vlad Shpilsky,Jacek Caban,
Agata Caban, Vitoria Shpilsky, Mila Shpilsky Looking for old graves with a georadar
The cemetery before fencing The cemetery before fencing
The new fence The new fence
The new fence The new fence
The commemoration stone